Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Good Afternoon of Golf

Well, it was pretty good. I had 3 birdies today but still shot only an 86 ... that tells you (par is 72) that I had some very bad holes. 2 triple bogies and a couple of 3 putts out of a total of only 31 (which isn't too bad). Only one bad drive ... so it was everything in to the green that cost me (plus the two 3 putt greens, I guess). Anyway, the weather was great ... and it was a well spent afternoon with Larry and Scott (another guy from work). We also played a couple of holes with 11 year old Matt ... he was pretty darn good, too! Just hordes of little kids at the golf course though and many folks playing that don't know the rules of the game and keeping up pace of play (which has almost nothing to do with how well you actually shoot).

And I decided to take a day off from biking this afternoon. Had enough today and I feel like relaxing and doing a bit more reading than I usually do. Maybe I'll add more to this later ... gotta go get a bite to eat now ... sure to make me smile!

Later ...
Yes, I'm back . Not much at all happened this evening. I think my energy level is down if I don't get a good, hard bicycle ride in or something. Anyway, I was reading along and started getting really drowsy so I probably had about an hour nap. Then I roused myself and got out of the house. Had a drink at Prime Time and played some video games. I hadn't been there for a long time and it was really pretty nice ... and very little smoke. Then I stopped over at Sammy's and sang one song. Might've sung more but Brian won't adjust the gain on the microphone's and it's just too low. That makes it hard on the vocal chords but he won't change it no matter how much I've requested it. So I check in there every 3 months or so to see if he's decided to accommodate his customers (i.e. singers) but some things never seem to change. And I know he can do it because Alyssa does the show on Thursday nights, for example, and she sets it just about right (even adds a little reverb if I ask her to). So what's with people any more? I think it's more than just philosophical differences (which can, legitimately, be significant) ... I think it's just a lack of general, common, courtesy and consideration for others. Think about it ... people *still* leave their phones turned on (and talk and put their feet up on the back of the seat of people in front of them) in theaters, they ride side by side on narrow trails and have no concept of the trail "rules" (derived from common sense and courtesy) about making room for bikers to pass from both directions, they interrupt meetings with phone calls, they don't take the time to understand and follow the (common courtesy) rules of golf that make it both fun and efficient for everyone on the course, people still go through the express lanes (limit 10 items) with 15-30 items. Maybe it's more than lack of courtesy ... I simply don't know. But it's everywhere ... good night ... and remember that this general lack of courtesy makes it even nicer and more meaningful (and worthy of a smile and a thank you) when we observe the acts of kindness and grace that still do occur.

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