Monday, May 25, 2009

Terminator ... Goes On

Memorial Day ... always a good day to take in a movie. Today I went to see "Terminator Salvation". In the (seemingly) never ending saga of Skynet and Terminators and John Connor, it's a pretty good action movie that puts interesting pieces of the story of the future together. Don't hesitate to see it, but it will often not make sense to you unless you've seen at least the first two Terminator movies. And even where it does come through, it will be all the better for seeing the first shows. For example, in one scene John Connor says "I'll be back" ... with different inflection than Schwarzenegger, of course, but it did elicit a few knowing chuckles from the audience. And the first appearance of the T-800 (Schwarzenegger style) Terminator is impressive (but, no, it's not actually Arnold). There is one confusion point here as, in the original (1984) movie, the Terminator was described by Kyle Reese as "Cyberdyne Systems Model 101". I can only guess that the model (T-800) in this latest movie is just a very advanced version of the Model 101 (because it looks like the same unit, i.e. Arnold). So maybe they didn't have one available to send back (to 1984) to kill Sarah Connor in the original movie. Note that the next model shown (in Terminator 2), was a T-1000, so the T-800 appellation *does* make some sense ... but it's still a puzzle and, maybe, an error in the latest film.

It's also a good movie to wait for the DVD/BD to arrive on store shelves, especially if you're complementing your existing set of movies at home ... but, either way, it's a good show, if long on action and short on character development. Of course, the characters were largely developed in the 80's and 90's. As a completely separate aside, I recommend against buying anything to eat or drink at the theater, since they are just mind-bogglingly high in price. Even a small soda at the local first-run theater here in Cedar Rapids is $3.75 at a size of about 8 ounces. Decent eats (still just junk food, remember) and a drink at a movie cost more than a meal at a good restaurant ... that's just wrong.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Perfect Day

Today was about as perfect as days get here in Iowa. Mid-70's with a light easterly breeze and a clear sky, full of sunshine. The kind of day that makes it into books where readers lose themselves in lilac laden breezes and in the drone of bees, overloaded with the promise of honey.

This all prompted me to take my usual walk of 3.2 miles and then mow the lawn, after first raising the blade 1/2". The lawn looks pretty good but it's almost time to start working on the fence area out back as well as the edging around the front bushes (also trimmed today).

I also decided to stop in to see the doctor about losing my voice as it's turned into a bit of bronchitis now and I want to be sure to be over it before next Wednesday. Got some antibiotics in case it's a bacterial type infection but I think things will be well in a few days.

Sure would be nice to fire up the grill and make a few burgers on Memorial Day. It's been quite awhile since I've done that. I suppose I will if I have a friend or two around ... otherwise, it doesn't seem to be much fun. We'll see what happens.

Should be a good weekend for motorcycle riding as well ... hmm, so many things to do, so little time. Next thing is to get a few new singing gigs ... need to expand my exposure a bit. But, no rush there, I'm sure there'll be plenty of time to accomplish that, even though I sometimes wish I'd started earlier. Well, you just do what you can do with what you have.

It's a good day to watch Clint Eastwood in Pale Rider ... my kind of preacher.

Finally, today would've been the 60th anniversary of my Uncle Don and Aunt Elaine. She only made it to March 27 but I really wanted to dance with her today at their celebration in Fargo. Have to figure out when I'll make it back up there to see my Uncle. It's about time for him to buy me a beer ... eh?

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Of Hamburgers & BLT's

Almost *had* to head up to Toad's in Cedar Falls for a BLT this evening (they have the best!) but ended up doing some riding on the bicycle and then stopping out for a quick burger. My voice is slowly returning and I really hope to be singing again by Memorial Day ... if not, then by Wednesday of next week.

Anyway, I decided that it might not be a bad idea to log some stats at the "beginning" of the riding season (or 2 months into it ... ) so here's where I stand today:

Weight: 157.5 lbs.
Height: 70"
BP: 113/66, Pulse=55
2009 Miles Ridden: 560
Age: 56.17 years
Resting heart rate: 46
Eyes: Blue, still twinkling
Smile: still there ;)

And tonight I have a couple of movies to watch and some cherry licorice to consume. Well, I'll also be gargling with warm salt water and having a warm tea/honey/lemon drink. Slowly but surely, the voice is returning ...

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

May Flowers

Such an interesting month, May. The mirror of September with its warmth, but not too warm, cool nights and sunny days ... better, though, as the window to summer instead of the doorway to winter. As of this May, it appears I have a new mom, one of my best friends turned 80, and I'm really having more fun singing than I ever thought possible. Last Friday I sang for a crowd of about 300 at a local hotel. It was a 45 minute performance but it seemed to pass in about 5 ... so much fun, ending with a standing ovation, an encore and even a request for an autograph (honestly! ... I know, weird, eh?). Fortunately, by the way, my speaker stands arrived just the day before (whew!) ... they were an essential part of the setup.

Almost as important, I worked on my pumpkin bread recipe and, after 4 attempts, ended up with something that seems to be pretty good. Quite a few people tasted and enjoyed it ... I now feel ready for the next potluck dinner .

So May has been interesting, even though I haven't finished cleaning up the fence area in my back yard ... that will come ... and even though I haven't finished sealing my deck (but it's still not even summer yet, so I have time).

Right now my voice is gone but I hope it returns soon ... so many songs, so little time.