Sunday, October 5, 2008

3000 Miles

I know it's been a few weeks since I've posted here (although, at the end of September, I did do an edit on the Neuro 4.0 review) but I decided that it was worth noting that I (finally) passed 3,000 miles for the year on the bicycle. That does mean that my riding mileage per week has gone down but it's still a nice number. Looks like I won't hit 4,000 this year though ... and that's OK too.

Of course the most important thing going on right now is that it is actually less than 4 weeks until the election ... it will be so good to reach the end of that (very) long road.

Looks like we'll see a few days in the 70's this week, temperature-wise. But I don't think that would officially be Indian Summer as, at least in some areas of North America, Indian Summer can't happen unless there has first been a frost. Well, maybe there has been some frost already but the official low temperatures at the airport (National Weather Service source) here have never hit 32 degrees or lower so I'd say any frost is not official and probably consists of only spotty occurrences in some low lying areas. No matter, I'll still take solid 70 degree temperatures in October any time.

Later ...