Sunday, June 28, 2009

Father's Day Re-visited

Nice day today. Later in the afternoon (of 6/27), high pressure moved in and a dry northerly breeze provided some welcome relief from the humidity and heat. The Cubs lost to the White Sox and I took a little nap. But I did sing today at The Villages as they were having a big "picnic" ... that ended up being held inside due to the temperature and humidity still in place at noon. Rousing myself, after my nap, I went out to a Mexican restaurant for an enchilada, chips and some salsa ... very good. Then I stopped out to sing at a friend's karaoke show downtown and left there to find a place to dance. Unfortunately, the only nearby place to dance, a bar called the Red Lion, had music that was *much* too loud (DJ problem, not the equipment itself) ... so I quickly gave up on that and decided to come home and finish a book I'd been reading. After the book, I was re-energized and went out to listen to some singers and then, about 12:30am on the 28th, I got home and decided it would be good to watch my Father's Day present, Gran Torino. It's a great movie that goes well with coffee, Hot Tamales and M&M's. So I thank my sons (again) for that movie ... and I'm sure I'll watch it again as time goes by.

Well, tomorrow (later today) I need to do some work on the bicycle and also change plugs in the car. We'll see what else transpires to make it another great day.

Monday, June 22, 2009

363 Days to Father's Day

Yesterday was my 31st Father's Day ... it was a good one, although Tiger did not play very well at the U.S. Open. I spent the day walking, riding bicycle, walking some more and watching the U.S. Open Golf Championship. The boys sent me a BluRay movie, Gran Torino, which arrived today. And it's really getting warm out ... good thing too, since it's already the 2nd day of summer! On today's bicycle ride, the heat was palpable as I heard and felt the road's tar bubbles under the tires. Good sweatin' weather. This evening I had dinner at Carlos O'Kelly's (Mexican restaurant) and watched the fireworks show (right out my back window) over at Hiawatha Hogwild days. I tell 'ya, it's really exciting around here!

I sang using my new Fender PD250 amp system this evening ... and it worked really well, according to both me and the audience. That was my test run in preparation for Saturday's show where I'll be singing outdoors. Frankly, I think it's probably not the greatest idea in the world to have an outdoor party in 90+ degree weather at a rest home ... well, ours is not to question why ... I just hope the audience is successful at *not* keeling over .

It'll be a fun time ... good night.