Saturday, October 20, 2007

Car Followup and More ...

Interesting story on the car. As I suspected, Ryan liked the Corolla and so that's what he got. But the car was being looked at some time ago by an engineer from Collins that I happen to know. He had all the paperwork set up and when he came in to finalize the deal I guess the term of the loan had to go to 66 months (instead of 60) to ensure that the payment was small enough or something. Anyway, he backed out because of that (strange!). So yesterday Ryan and I went in there when Ryan bought the car and it turns out that this other guy had called and said he was coming in at 11:30 to buy the car after all. Well, the early bird gets the worm, you snooze you lose, etc., etc. and we got out of there *with* the car by about 11:05. I don't know what they did about the other guy but, basically, he ended up in a corner he painted himself into.

Ryan will probably start driving back to North Carolina tomorrow so that he's not all worn out for class on Tuesday (he has no classes on Monday so that will be a good driving day too). He's visiting his mom and grandma today and later this afternoon him and I will go out to dinner with Larry. That'll be fun.

Last night's dance in Waterloo was really fun. I sure have a terrible time with names though. Well, another year or so and I'll probably have most of the names of the gals that dance regularly down pat (hehe). Although I can only guess that my memory is likely to get worse rather than better (ya think?!).

On the way back I stopped in for a "quickie" karaoke song at a bar called Pauley's (or Paulie's, I don't remember) in Waterloo and then stopped down at the Red Lion (Cedar Rapids), which was very busy. But I sang two songs and had a few dances/drinks there and eventually got home by about 1:45 (which, as people who know me know, is very late for me). But I also stopped up at Sammy's and had some coffee (shouldn'ta done that!) and a little conversation. Interestingly enough, at Red Lion, Craig (karaoke host and *very* good singer) asked me, after my last song, if I did any professional singing ... my answer was "no". He said that's a big waste of talent. Well, maybe ... but anyway I took it as a very nice compliment and we'll leave it at that. Oh, and there's one person that I will *never*, while I'm on this earth, dance with again and she was there and actually had the nerve to ask me to dance while Steve was singing "My Girl". I just said "no thanks", which is very much *not* good dance etiquette. But, to me, it felt appropriate and, in fact, I will dance with anyone else ... so it won't be a recurring negative theme (smile). I'm just done playing any of her games ... ever again.

Good bike ride to Center Point today. Got in 24 miles and the bicycle is at about 3123 on the odometer for the year. There was a stiff breeze from the south so it was a "breeze" getting up there but tough going coming back to town directly into the wind. It showed as I burned 1056 calories on a ride that's nominally around 850 or 900 for me.

Oh, and I got the "roof update" form in to insurance for the house as I get a 10% reduction on my homeowner's insurance because of the aluminum roof being fireproof. It's not much but it's something.

That's about all I know today ... guess I carried on for awhile. That's one of the things you can do with a blog, eh.

Later ...

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