Saturday, September 1, 2007

Interesting Friday Night

Well, what in interesting evening it was last night. I stopped at Pei's for a soda and then decided to go to the new Kevin Bacon movie, Death Sentence. This is really just a remake of Charles Bronson's "Death Wish" from about 30 years ago. Not really a very good flick, but it's one of those shows where justice is done ... even if there won't be many moviegoers that take this in. I rate it about a C- ...

Then I went down to the Red Lion and, lo and behold, who's there but Kohl Packingham. He graduated in Scott's class, I think, and he was sitting there having a beer when I stopped up at the bar. He recognized me right away and we talked for a few minutes. He does electrician work and has been doing that for 7+ years now. He's still very slim and looked like he was doing well. I told him about what the boys were doing and that was about it. Well, I was going to give him their email addresses but when I looked for him a few minutes later he'd already left (I think he went to either Prime Time or Gator's across the street). Oh well.

Then some group turned in 3 song requests for the hosts at karaoke and they didn't know any of the songs, so they asked if I did and would do them. And I did (I didn't know them well, but a song's a song) ... so that was fun. Still have a hoarseness in my throat though ... it's been there since RAGBRAI (I think I posted on this about a month ago) and haven't been comfortable singing since then. I think maybe I just need to get more sleep.

H-mmm, well, I was asked (again, that's twice this year) if I was gay. Apparently this question comes up in some people's minds because I seem to almost always be out without a gal. All I can do is smile.

... later.

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