Sunday, September 2, 2007

Great Weather For Biking

Well, of course, the weather's great here today for anything outdoors but it's especially wonderful for biking. Just a slight breeze and, at 10 this morning, about 65 degrees with clear, blue skies. So I started my ride and just kept heading north on Highway 150 (Center Point Road). Ended up riding to Center Point and it's much more efficient (and less dusty) on the road than on the trail. Plus I don't feel compelled to wash the bike and clean the chain since it really doesn't get very dirty riding on regular roads.

I stopped in to the first Casey's store there in Center Point and had a Gatorade, then rode back. There was another rider at the store and we met up again just north of County Home Road, so we rode together for a few miles. He lives up in the new area between Council and C Avenue on the NE side of Cedar Rapids and also rode this year's RAGBRAI. In the end it was a nice 24 mile ride ... meaning I can eat a little more today!

After eating at Subway, I'm taking in the 3rd round of this week's PGA tournament where Tiger is now pretty much on fire (with 4 birdies in his last 5 holes) and has reached 2nd place (occasionally alternating with 1st). Seems like great golfing weather as many of the competitors are shooting low scores today. I think this playoff tournament actually finishes with a Monday round, so we'll see how it goes tomorrow.

And on beautiful days like this, a "young man's fancy" always seems to turn, as they say. Well, for me that means memories, of course ... and when I think back on "the one" woman for me, I remember one thing above all others. And I think it's something that perhaps neither of us really understood ... about me. This is it ... every single time I saw her I fell in love with her again, I know that now. And I was never good at waiting for that moment to happen from day to day. Can you imagine? Falling in love multiple times per week (and we're talking the same woman, here, so get your collective minds out of the gutter, hehe)! What a great thing for anyone to experience. And I *know* that's why it was so difficult to accept knowing that she didn't love me anymore. Because that's true, she didn't love me for 6-10 months before she dumped me, even though she never said that in so many words. Whew! It does feel good to understand this detail ... although it's not something that I feel will ever happen again for me. So if you're wondering how it is that you know, really know, whether or not she is "the one" ... think about how you feel each and every time you see her. And if you fall in love every time ... she's the one. As far as the other half of the equation, well, quite obviously I'm not the one to offer advice about what it is that brings that same feeling to her. Just realize that it may not happen for her ... and it *is* hard to take, but life goes on ... really it does.

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