Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas Vacation

Icy outside this evening and it looks like we're going to get snow on top of that. But it was above 40 today and most of the snow is gone from the yard (the grass still looks great!) Missing out on a Waterloo dance this evening, but I'm just not up to challenging the icy roads ... a DVD, ice cream and some coffee really does feel good tonight.

Got lucky at the video store and picked up 5 movies in about 10 minutes of searching. One of them is Christmas Vacation with Chevy Chase. Takes me back .... Anyway, I'm watching it right now and seeing many new things in the movie that I hadn't noticed before. It's a hoot.

I have a few new songs to practice, including Garth Brooks' Belleau Wood. This song, a favorite of mine, is about a 1914 Christmastime truce along the Western Front in WWI. The truce really did happen and there was a recent docudrama about it on the history channel. The final few lines of the last verse always get to me and, if taken to heart, would certainly make for a better world. See what you think: "Heaven's not beyond the clouds, it's just beyond the fear. No, heaven's not beyond the clouds, it's for us to find it here." And it seems that would be so much better to find heaven here than to be spending so many lifetimes and resources hoping for that imaginary one "beyond the clouds".

Speaking of hope, I hope everyone (or at least most people) got all they wished for and deserved this Christmas. It was a nice, if quiet, one for me.

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