Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Having traded in my tent for a Hennessey Hammock, the sleeping bag for a Hi-Tech blanket and eliminating the ThermaRest pad, I've been able to get all my sleeping gear in one pannier, all my riding clothes in a second and then the remaining stuff (first aid, walking shoes, sunscreen, etc.) in the front panniers with a little room left. Without having to mount the tent, etc., on the back of the bike I'm also able to now add back my regular rear rack top bag for some extra storage. With all that, the weight is currently at 36 pounds and I think I'll be able to keep it in the 40-42 range (this includes 3 20-oz. full water bottles) which compares to 55 pounds last year. We'll see, but I hope to be able to hit 40 pounds or less by the start of the ride.

Thinking about golfing today but I'd rather ride bicycle, so that's what I'm going to do. Probably up to Center Point, now that it's warmed up to about 60 degrees and it's sunny. I like the wind from the north too as that makes the ride back home "a breeze".

Ryan made it back to NC last night ... last week was a fun one with him here. I'll be taking some time off of riding in June to play some golf and to do some camping with Scott ... already sounds busy, eh?

Later ...

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