Saturday, March 31, 2007

March Madness ... Still

Well, my son Ryan is actually feeling pretty good right now as he had Ohio State picked to win the finals of the NCAA basketball tourney on Monday. Georgetown lost to Ohio State this afternoon (3/31/07). The interesting thing now is that Ryan has Ohio State winning and I have Florida winning (and both are in the finals Monday night). I'll do pretty well (I'll be in the money) if Florida actually wins. We'll see what happens but keep your fingers crossed everyone! And if I lose, Ryan wins so the Therkelsen clan is guaranteed a "win-win" situation.

In other news, I've been slowly converting my old LP's to digital. Picked up a neat little turntable that has a lineout output so I don't have to run a phono output through an amplifier. Then I use CoolEdit 2000 to create clean tracks, LAME (via RazorLame) to convert to MP3 and then Tag&Rename to edit the MP3 data fields (artist, title, track, genre, etc.). It takes me about 2 hours per record but I only have to do it once. Of course, the resulting tracks are not anything like what I get from CD's but it's good to have them saved and I actually kinda like the sounds from the turntable. So it's all good.

Went dancing at Walford for awhile last night and then went out singing at Shellsburg (the bar is Open Throttle) where some old friends of mine do a karaoke show on occasion.

I guess I'd say I'm more of a homebody type than anything else but I try to get out to see friends and fellow singers if it gets too boring around the house (otherwise I might have to clean, vacuum, etc., much more often than what I prefer ).

Some interesting weather springing up today as we had tornado warnings northwest of here and there's a slight possibility of some snow next Wednesday (4/4/07) ... . Well, golf league starts on Tuesday so that snow stuff better stay out of the way! ... ummm ... yeah, right.

Take care and remember to smile at someone you absolutely do not know today ...


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