Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me ...

Not much else to say, eh? Enjoy a green beer and sing an Irish song ... and, of course, everyone loves a parade. Well, on this birthday I have to say that there's not much I would've done different in the past year, but there is one thing I would change in the past month. Sometimes, you have to admit, it's just too late, though. And the most difficult thing is often accepting your own choices and actions, no matter what drove them.

Tonight I had dinner at the Greek restaurant here in Cedar Rapids. It has a special meaning to me. I wondered if certain things would happen there, but they didn't ... so that's that (pretty cryptic, eh?). However, I met Greg and Wendy and they invited me over to their table for a birthday beer (some French beer ... pretty nice of them). I talked with them for about 40 minutes and then went out to City Beat to see the karaoke folks. Had a few drinks bought for me there and sang a few songs. Interestingly enough, a guy named Mike came up to the bar to get a pitcher of green beer. Well, the bartender informed him that they were out of green beer ... so, ta da!, I stepped in and said that I'd brought along my blue dye (yellow + blue = green) and would be glad to help them out. I was declared Mike's "hero" and the day was saved ... plus, of course, he bought me a drink for my birthday. Had a few dances, a few drinks, a few songs ... then went home. Only one person was missing. But that's not going to change ... ever. Overall, it was a fun night ... oh, and I got a card signed by about 15 people as well as a cupcake from Normandy. Didn't have any corned beef and cabbage today but *my* parade was pretty good (for being cold and damp).

Good night ... *sigh*.

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