Monday, April 16, 2007

Aching Legs Today

Well, it has been quite awhile since I've written here. Anyway, I've started on my spring bicycle workout sessions (earlier this year than I have been for quite awhile) and I've logged just over 200 miles already. But I think I need to work on my pedal crank again (had it overhauled last July) as it seems to have excessive play.

But my legs are aching tonight because I've generally been riding my standard 14.25 mile route ... until today! It was about 75 degrees out and so nice that I decided it would be a good day to ride up to Center Point (round trip=27 miles). Unfortunately, the trail there was pretty muddy in several places (and chewed up by people riding horses on it as well ... what's with that?) and I don't think I carbo loaded quite enough as I was really getting worn out on the way back. Didn't quite hit the wall but I didn't really have any gas left in the tank with about 5 miles to go. Well, I'll stay on the hard surface for awhile longer and up my pace a little so that I'll be better prepared next time.

And I do plan to ride to Waterloo and back this summer (104 miles) ... so I've been reading a book called "Bicycling Fuel" by Richard Rafoth. It's got very good nutrition/training tips for bicyclists and I can tell that I need to get much more serious about water and carb consumption before working on any century type rides. And, although I'm not sure yet that I'd consider it "fun", I may yet take on RAGBRAI (the Register's Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa) one of these years. A good friend of mine from the past tried to get me to do that several times ... I should've listened to her, I think. Anyway, I may want to say "I've done that" someday and it's something that needs to be a little sooner rather than later, I think (age keeps on coming, I'm told!) ... so we'll see.

Keep smilin' everyone!

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