Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Ides of Biking ...

Feels so good to ride the bicycle again. Went out and spent 3 hours replacing the wheel bearings and chain today and didn't really plan to ride as it was then quite late in the day. But seeing as how it was 58 degrees out I simply couldn't resist. And so it begins ... again. Seems as though spring is really here this time. The forecast is all the way up to 70 degrees for my parade on Tuesday .

In the past few weeks, I also ordered an arrow saw and materials for making arrows and then learned to make them myself. The first 6 that I made were pretty much a failure as the fletchings all fell off after only a few shots. Back at the drawing board I realized that I had to clean the arrow shafts much better (using hot water and Comet cleanser) and then ensure that I didn't touch (contaminate) them before gluing on the fletches. Success was finally achieved as I've now shot them dozens of times losing nary a fletch! But a few of the inserts (for the arrowheads) ended up pulling out of the shafts and were left in the targets. So the same attention obviously needed to be paid to those and I also switched to a gel "Super glue" (fast drying and very strong) for the inserts. So far so good, but not a lot of experience with them using the indoor range targets (where they originally pulled out). Eventually, the sure answer will arrive, but I'm feeling pretty good about them right now. It's a great experience to make and then shoot your own arrows.

And, good news, NDSU is playing in the NCAA tournament (first game, Friday the 20th in Minneapolis). Besides all that, the best news is that I'm going to see my Aunt Elaine and Uncle Don again at their 60th anniversary party on the 22nd of May.

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